Visit us at the trade fairs and congresses

  • VISION 2024

    08. – 10. October 2024

    Stuttgart fair
    Image processing.

  • Autodesk University 2024

    15. – 17. October 2024

    Digital Congress
    Autodesk user meeting.

  • Congress of MSB

    16 October 2024

    Concert Hall Freiburg
    Update Megatrends.

  • MEDICA 2024

    11. – 14. November 2024

    Dusseldorf Fair
    Medical technology.

  • BAU 2025

    13. – 17. January 2025

    Munich fair
    World Fair for Architecture, Materials, Systems.

  • bauma 2025

    07. – 13. April 2025

    Munich fair
    Construction Machinery, Building Material Machines.

  • Control 2025

    06. – 09. May 2025

    Stuttgart fair
    Quality assurance.


    20. – 22. May 2025

    Hanover fair
    Medical Technology.

  • Automatica 2025

    24. – 27. June 2025

    Munich fair
    Intelligent automation and robotics.

  • digitalBAU 2026

    24. – 26. March 2026

    Cologne fair
    Digital solutions in the building industry.

  • Analytica 2026

    24. – 27. March 2026

    Munich fair
    Laboratory technology, analytics, biotechnology.

  • Optatec 2026

    05. – 07. May 2026

    Frankfurt fair
    Optical Technologies.


Cadida sponsors also this year the ridingclub 99 in mundenhof

How nice that this year the horse show took place on May 6 and 7 at Mundenhof. The tournament is organized annually by the riding club 99 e. V., which, in addition to the horse show, does great work and promotes and supports different groups of people.

The club offers riding lessons, therapeutic riding and hippotherapy as well as vaulting and riding vacations and enjoys great popularity and full courses. We find this commitment wonderful and very meaningful and are therefore happy to support RC99 every year with a sponsorship program.

Text: Yaroslava

Picture: Cadida Software GmbH